The lights are dimmed, candles are lit, bodies begin to sway together as the voice from the stage says a spirit-lifting, soul-stirring affirmation … and then screams “Now sprint for 10!”.

What’s Old is New Again
It’s not news that the US is becoming more secular. People have been drifting away from religion for decades, and that trend is accelerating right now in people under 40. But there is a small but growing trend in those same generations of people who are seeking just the opposite. These people are looking to older and more orthodox forms of faith to find meaning, purpose, and community even in the face of what many might consider to be more sexist and less tolerant ideas.

Can Ancient Wisdom Help Gen Z’s Stress & Unhappiness?
This episode is an edited version of a live event held at WBUR’s Cityspace on May 15, 2023.

Moving Beyond Us vs Them
Hate and prejudice based on ethnicity, religion, gender and sexual orientation are all too common in our world. But are we doomed to be this way? Or is it possible to create a world where cooperation and peace are the norm?

Sacred Sound
Music has the power to transform and connect us, no matter our native tongue. In many ways, it’s a language unto itself. It ties us to memories…to people…to places. It heals us, promotes compassion and empathy. It unites us not only to each other, but according to many people, perhaps even to something greater.

The Flow of Craft
What do we get out of making things with our hands? Traditions the world over incorporate crafts into their religious practice, and for secular people, that experience of getting “in the zone” while weaving or working with wood or clay can also feel meditative, even spiritual. So maybe it’s worth asking: Is there a craftsperson in all of us that we should occasionally step away from our devices to nurture? And could craft, even for the non-artist, be a way to connect with spirituality for us all?

God is Green
Were the Earth and all its resources created just for our benefit? Do plants and animals exist solely for us to consume? Or should we be viewing our role on this planet differently? When it comes to protecting the environment and addressing climate change, religion has had mixed results. Why is that?

The Power of Awe
Awe fills us with wonder -- we feel small in the face of things that seem vast, inspiring, almost beyond comprehension. So it makes sense that spiritual experiences often inspire awe. But new science is showing it can also work the other way around.

Season 4: Trailer
Coming April 2, 2023, from PRX Productions, a new season of How God Works.