Live Event: Can Religion & Science Get Along in the 21st Century?

Science and religion can often seem at loggerheads. But does it have to be that way? Dr. Francis Collins, one of the world’s leading scientists, doesn’t think so. As an internationally renowned geneticist, a recent past director of the US National Institutes of Health (where he helped guide the U.S. response to COVID), and an avowed Christian, he’s a leading voice for how and why belief in God can be rational, and for a greater openness to science among Evangelical Christians.

In a special live interview, Dave talks with Francis about his journey from skeptic to believer, why he thinks science and religion aren’t incompatible, what New Atheists like Richard Dawkins and Steven Pinker get wrong in their battles against religion, and the ways in which religion can help (e.g. reducing suffering) or hinder (e.g. resistance to COVID vaccines) people’s health. For much of human history, religion and science coexisted and even learned from one another. Join Dave to explore how that can still be true.

Francis Collins is the founder of BioLogos, which is dedicated to showing how science and faith can work hand in hand. He is also the author of the New York Times bestseller The Language of God.


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