The Spiritual (and Political) Crisis in the US

Anger, loneliness, and despair are hitting record levels in the US. Our social and political fabrics are fraying. Is the turn away from religion in the US part of the problem? And if so, might a spiritual renaissance (even among the secular left) help us find new ways to flourish?

Join Dave as he talks with podcast host Krista Tippett and US Senator Chris Murphy about the role spirituality (or the lack thereof) plays in our individual and societal wellbeing.

Krista Tippett is the host of the acclaimed podcast and radio show On Being. Learn more about the On Being Project’s work in the world, and be sure to check out their YouTube channel for a rich selection of inspiring and informative videos.

Chris Murphy is a U.S. Senator representing the State of Connecticut. Learn more about his work on his website, and read his column here on the need for a spiritual revival among the political left.


Live Event: Can Religion & Science Get Along in the 21st Century?