Finding Holiday Happiness
The holidays are supposed to be a time of joy. But all too often, the darker, colder days of winter, and even the stress of preparing for the holidays themselves, can lead people to feel something else: rushed, stressed, lonely, or even hopeless. How can you make sure this year is bright?

Finding Hope in Dark Times (From the Archive)
This episode from 2023 is one of our all-time listener favorites. We’re sharing it again for anyone who may have missed it, or could do with a refresher, especially at the holiday season!

The Bad Place
Lots of religions embrace the idea of hell — a place for eternal punishment for wrong doers. But where did that idea come from? How has it changed through time? And how does a belief in it (or not) affect us while we’re alive?

Near Death Experiences
People have been having Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) all over the world for as long as we can look back into history. And the strange thing is … these experiences seem to have a lot in common. Why? Is it a look into the afterlife? Is it just our neurons firing in weird ways as the brain dies?

So You Say You’re a Cynic
There’s no question we’re living in difficult times that lead many of us to adopt a cynical outlook. But while cynicism might feel smart, science shows it’s corrosive not only to our own wellbeing, but to society as a whole.

Succeeding Without Trying
While learning to be happier, healthier and more resilient are all positive things to strive for, they can also lead us down a different path — an obsession with productivity and self-optimization … which can lead to a culture of trying to grind or life-hack our way through everything. But what if the secret to success lies in doing less, not more?

Rethinking Regret
Regret can be a double-edged sword. It can be painful, and enduring, but we can also learn important lessons from it — IF we treat it right. Most religions speak of forgiveness and compassion, not only toward others but also toward oneself. Still, letting go can be difficult to do at times. So how do we learn from regret and start anew?

Rethinking Sin
For many people, the word “sin” is associated with harsh judgment and shame. Or, it’s used to talk about guilty pleasures like consuming decadent desserts ... But is this concept as harmful or outdated as it seems?